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Which HUD should I chose?

H2N 3 look

liste des options HUD à choisir

H2N 4 regarde

liste des options HUD à choisir

Ne soyez pas confus par le nom "pour la version gratuite de H2N". Tous les HUD fonctionnent avec la version gratuite de H2N. Cependant, dans certaines salles de poker ou dans le Replayer, sans abonnement à H2N, il est nécessaire de choisir ceux étiquetés "pour la version gratuite de H2N"

Your first choice should always be the Quasar Flash font 11 HS

Quasar Flash font 11 HS

Table de poker avec Quasar Flash HUD dessus
Table de poker avec Quasar Flash HUD dessus

Quasar Flash font 11 HS splited

Table de poker avec Quasar Flash HUD dessus

Quasar Flash Basic

Table de poker avec Quasar Flash HUD dessus


Onglet HUD des paramètres H2N
Onglet d'importation automatique des paramètres H2N
Onglet d'apparence des statistiques des paramètres H2N
Onglet Types de jeux des paramètres H2N
Paramètres h2n, onglet autres options
Onglet d'importation automatique des paramètres H2N
Onglet Surnom du héros des paramètres H2N
Onglet Types de jeux des paramètres H2N
Onglet d'apparence des statistiques des paramètres h2n
Paramètres h2n, autre onglet



table de poker avec quasar hud dessus

All postflop statistics include both all-in and non all-in bets, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

All post-flop statistics include stack sizes only up to 17BB

Personal panel

panneau personnel hud

Green button allows you to check the last played hands and mark your opponent as either a 'fish' or a 'reg'.

3w & HU - hands counter

wsd b - won at showdown after bet on the river

wsd c - won at showdown after call on the river

os - general openshove

3x - any 3x open from HUSB or BTN

d - donk bet from all positions

d/f - donk bet and fold after raise

fvd - fold vs donk bet


panneau d'agression hud

AFq - aggression frequency 

formula: (flop turn river raise or bet) / (flop turn river call or fold)

AFq IP - aggression frequency in position flop turn river

AFq OP - aggression frequency out of position flop turn river

HUSB preflop

Panneau préflop HUD HU SB

Preflop stacksizes -

if 00-10 it means <9,99BB

if 10-13 it means 10BB to 12,99BB etc...

H - hand counter


MR - min raise 2BB - 2.5BB

/f - min raise and fold

L - limp 

LR - limp and raise vs isolation

LF - limp and fold vs isolatoion non all-in

AI - limp and fold vs isolation all-in

OS - openshove

HUBB preflop

Panneau préflop HUD HU BB

Preflop stacksizes -

if 00-10 it means <9,99BB

if 10-13 it means 10BB to 12,99BB etc...

H - hand counter

F - fold vs min raise 2BB

3b - three bet raise

IS - isolation non all-in

ISS - isolation all-in

/f - iso non all-in and fold vs re-raise

cOS - call open shove

HUSB postflop

Panneau postflop HUD HU SB

F T R - flop turn river

CB - continuation bet both limp and MR pots

     F - CB flop after opponents open or limp preflop

     T - opponents barrel on the turn after CB on the flop

     R - opponents triple barrel on the river

Fv XR - fold vs any check raise

DL &br - delay CB and barrel 

DDL - delay delay CB

BXB - bet check bet line

Fv PR &br - fold vs probe and barrel

Fv PR - fold vs probe on the river

iso - after isolation preflop

Fv CB - fold vs CB in isolated pot

FL &br - float and barrel

HUSB postflop

Panneau postflop HUD HU BB

F T R - flop turn river

FvCB - fold vs continuation bet both limp and MR pots

     F - fold vs CB flop

     T - fold vs barrel after CB

     R - fold vs triple barrel

XR any - any check raise

Fv DL &br - fold vs delay CB and barrel 

Fv DDL - fold vs delay delay CB

Fv BXB - fold vs bet check bet line

PR &br - probe and barrel

PR - probe on the river

- donk bet

     F - donk bet on the flop

     T - donk bet on the turn

     R - donk bet on the river

d/f - donk bet and fold to any raise

FL &br - float and barrel


Panneau de héros HUD HU

The Hero panel shows how our opponent sees our stats in his HUD


Panel d'initiative HUD

W - with initiative

W/O - without initiative

CB - all CB combined from all positions (BTN, SB3w, HUSB) contains:

        -CB on the flops

        -Delay CB on the turn

        -Delay Delay CB on the river

        -Bet check bet line
        It doesn't contain situations when an isolation or 3bet preflop was made.

2nd br - all second barrels

3rd br  - all 3rd barrels

Fv R - folds vs raise from all streets and positions

Pr/fl - all probes and floats from all positions and streets

FvCB - folds vs CB combined from all positions contains (BB vs BTN, SB              vs BTN, BB vs SB 3w, HUBB) contains :

            -fold vs CB on the flops

            -fold vs delay CB on the turn

            -fold vs delay delay CB on the river

            -fold vs bet check bet line

        It doesn't contain situations when an isolation or 3bet preflop was made.

Fv2Br - fold vs second barrel from all positions HU and 3w

Fv3Br - fold vs third barrel from all positions HU and 3w

Raise - raise on the flop turn and river HU and 3w

FvPr/Fl - fold vs probe/float on the flop turn or river, HU and 3w


table de poker avec HUD flash quasar dessus


Panneau HUD BTN

Tailles des tapis préflop :

si 00-10 cela signifie <9,99BB

si 10-13 cela signifie de 10BB à 12,99BB, etc...


MR - relance minimale de 2BB à 2,5BB

/f - relance minimale et se coucher face à n'importe quelle relance

L - limp (suivre sans relancer)

/f - limp et se coucher face à n'importe quelle isolation

OS - tapis dès l'ouverture

CBbr - CB et barrel (continuation bet et mise sur les tours suivants)


Panneau HUD vs BTN

F - flop

3B - 3bet

vCB - BB fold vs BTN CB on the flop

B13+ - stats vs BB 13BB+

S13+ - stats vs SB 13BB+

SB vs BB

Panneau préflop HUD SB vs BB

Preflop stacksizes -

if 00-10 it means <9,99BB

if 10-13 it means 10BB to 12,99BB etc...


MR - <2.5x open

/f - <2.5x open and fold to any raise

L - limp

/f - limp and fold to isolation

L/R - limp and raise to isolation

OS - openshove

BB vs SB

Panneau préflop HUD BB vs SB

Preflop stacksizes -

if 00-10 it means <9,99BB

if 10-13 it means 10BB to 12,99BB etc...

- fold vs <2.5x open


3b - three bet

is - isolation

cOS - call openshove

SB vs BB postflop

Panneau postfolp HUD SB vs BB

CB - continuation bet


FvR - fold vs raise CB

DL - delay CB

FvFL - fold vs float bet (same as probe but float is in position)

vCBis - fold vs CB in isolated pot

BB vs SB postflop

Panneau postflop HUD BB vs SB

FvCB - fold vs CB

RvCB - raise vs CB

FvDL - fold vs delay bet

FL - float bet (same as probe but float is in position)

isoCB - CB after isolation

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