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Step 1

Extract the RAR file to the desktop

(You can use WinRAR download Here)

extraire un fichier rar

Step 2

Go to the H2N installation folder (usually: C:\Program Files\Hand2Note). For safety reasons, copy the 'Config' folder to, for example, the desktop or another safe location.

dupliquer le dossier Config

Step 3

Copy and paste (do not drag and drop) the HUD's 'Config' folder into the H2N folder (usually located at C:\Program Files\Hand2Note).

Confirm when prompted to replace all files.

copier et coller le dossier HUD Config

Step 4

Update software to newest version

mettre à jour H2N

Step 5

Link your H2N website account to software on PC

copier et coller la clé du CD série

Step 6

Make sure you have right path to the HH

insérer le chemin correct vers l'historique de vos mains

Step 7

Pick your HUD in GameTypes

définir les types de jeu corrects

Step 8

Clear and Build stats

effacer et créer des statistiques

HUD should works by now

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